Robert Mangurian

Robert Mangurian is a Principal of Studio Works Architects in Los Angeles and a Co-Founder and Director of BASE Beijing. He was educated at Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley. Mangurian is the Director of the Graduate Program Emeritus at SCI-Arc. He has been the visiting Saarinen Professor at Yale University, the Harry S. Shure Visiting Professor at the University of Virginia, the Taubman Professor at the University of Michigan, the Wortham Professor at Rice University, and a Visiting Lecturer at Harvard University. Studio Works is a world renowned award winning design firm whose design work and research have been widely published. Mangurian and his partner Mary-Ann Ray are architects, authors, and designers, and in 2001 they were awarded the prestigious Chrysler Design Award for Excellence and Innovation in an ongoing body of work in a design field. In 2008 they were awarded the Stirling Prize for the Memorial Lecture on the City by the Canadian Centre for Architecture and the London School of Economics. Both Mangurian and Ray are Rome Prize recipients and Fellows of the American Academy in Rome.