Joe Day

Joe Day is a designer and architectural theorist in Los Angeles, where he leads Deegan-Day Design LLC and serves on the design and history/theory faculty at SCI-Arc. In both his design and writing, Day examines the intersections of contemporary art, urbanism and architecture as visual disciplines. He contributed an additional foreword to the 2009 edition of Reyner Banham’s seminal study, Los Angeles: Architecture of the Four Ecologies (University of California Press, 2009), and in the spring of 2012 taught at Yale School of Architecture as the Louis I. Kahn Visiting Chair. Day’s recent Corrections & Collections: Architectures for Art and Crime (Routledge, 2013) explores new polarities in contemporary architecture and urbanism. He serves on the Board of Trustees at SCI-Arc, and as a Director at the W.M. Keck Foundation.