Jackilin Hah Bloom

Jackilin Hah Bloom is an architectural designer and educator based in Los Angeles. She is Design Faculty at SCI-Arc and principal of JHB Studio, a creative practice grounded in art and culture to produce architecture at multiple scales, dimensions, and economies. She has participated at numerous institutions and platforms as an invited lecturer, juror, writer, and exhibitor, most notably the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale’s US Pavilion—The Architectural Imagination. In 2018, her work on social housing was selected for The Housing Laboratory, a collection of prototype rural homes, built and commissioned by Infonavit/CIDS (Mexico’s government housing agency). Bloom has held visiting professorships at the schools of architecture at Princeton, Yale, Ohio State, and Syracuse. Her work history includes numerous collaborative projects with Florencia Pita, ten years at Greg Lynn FORM, and five years at Daly Genik Architects (currently Kevin Daly Architects). She received a Master of Architecture degree from UCLA and a Bachelor of Architecture from USC.