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architecture enthusiasts gathered around black table
October 18, 2016

SCI-Arc Faculty Explore Architecture and Change at the Venice Biennale

shanghai waterview skyline saturated gradient
October 12, 2016

SCI-Arc Opens Fabrication and Robotics Initiative in Shanghai

thinking man coy howard
October 07, 2016

Senior SCI-Arc Faculty Member Honored in DesignIntelligence 25 Most Admired Educators

people boat raft on ocean orange tent
October 05, 2016

Achilleas Souras Responds to the EU Refugee Crisis with Save Our Souls Installation

Sianne Ngai presenting in keck hall
September 30, 2016

Sianne Ngai leads masterclass series at SCI-Arc

birdseye oblique col-de-sac filtered green flyer metro-physics foreground
September 21, 2016

'Metrophysics' by Michael Sorkin Studio & Terreform opens October 21 in the SCI-Arc Gallery

staff and graduate pavilion ribbons steel
September 13, 2016

2016 Gehry Prize Winners Announced

liberal arts portraits composite
September 12, 2016

SCI-Arc Launches Liberal Arts Curriculum for its Bachelor of Architecture Program

tan shades TSA station exhibition in residence
September 09, 2016

SCI-Arc faculty member Anna Neimark opens installation at the Oslo Architecture Triennale

models on extra large podiums
September 07, 2016

SCI-Arc Ranks in 2017 DesignIntelligence Survey

student presentation large red poster
August 29, 2016

SCI-Arc’s fall 2016 public events kick off September 9

Viola Ago headshot
August 22, 2016

Alumna Viola Ago receives prestigious fellowship at the University of Michigan

lecture held by sciarc in high cieling hall
August 18, 2016

SCI-Arc Stages Symposiums in Tokyo and Shanghai

david ruy critique headshot
August 16, 2016

SCI-Arc Appoints David Ruy as Postgraduate Programs Chair for EDGE, Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture

Jakob Macfarlane portrait
August 09, 2016

Alumnus Brendan MacFarlane to give 2016 commencement address

staircase adjacent gallery wall metal extrustions
August 02, 2016

Oyler Wu Collaborative picked for team to design L.A. River Greenway bike path

michael rotondi discusses pinup student
July 26, 2016

Design Immersion Days (DID) Wraps Another Successful Summer

tall building skyline diorama architectural model
July 22, 2016

Sharing Models: Manhattanisms, a new exhibition in NYC, features work by Elena Manferdini

eugenio andrea headshots
July 18, 2016

European Union Scholarship Winners Announced

Raúl Casillas portrait
July 11, 2016

Beca SCI-Arc Mexico 2016 Winning Recipient Annouced