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Damjan Jovanovic headshot
October 01, 2020

Damjan Jovanovic Awarded Epic Games Grant for AI Design Research

Saide Serna architect sweatshirt
September 30, 2020

Spotlight on SCI-Arc Essential Staff: Saide Serna, Admissions Processor

September 25, 2020

SCI-Arc’s Commencement 2020 Marks a Joyful Finale to a Turbulent Year

Florencia Pita Elena Manferdini green screen grad thesis logo
September 22, 2020

SCI-Arc Grad Thesis Weekend 2020 Presents a Thrilling Virtual Smorgasbord

Olivia Billingsley with supplies
September 15, 2020

B.Arch Students Olivia Billingsly and Allyn Viault Found Design Students for Action

September 11, 2020

Fall 2020 Lecturers Face Scale, Empire, and Racial Politics of Architecture

September 08, 2020

Dr. Safiya Noble and Others to Give SCI-Arc 2020 Commencement Addresses

Elena Manferdini headshot
September 04, 2020

Graduate Programs Chair Elena Manferdini Shares Her Summer

August 31, 2020

Virtual Making+Meaning 2020 Creates Rewarding Design Community

Grad Thesis 2020 logo
August 26, 2020

Graduate Thesis Weekend 2020 Invites Virtual Engagement with Visionary Work

student with nurses PPE equipment
August 21, 2020

SCI-Arc Students Team with ‘Operation Protect the Heroes’ for Frontline Workers

Trevor McFedries headshot
August 11, 2020

Transmedia Innovator and Cultural Worldbuilder Trevor McFedries Joins SCI-Arc Board

August 03, 2020

SCI-Arc’s Structural Actions to Promote Access, Inclusion, and Equity in Architecture

July 22, 2020

Srimoyee Sinha on Monumental Ephemera, Humility, and Indian Classical Music

July 15, 2020

DID 2020 'In the Clouds' Culminates in Celebratory Student-Led Exhibition

miniature horses billboard red background
July 15, 2020

Graduate Thesis 2020 Commences with Revelatory Miniatures Presentations

July 15, 2020

Minsuk Cho Surveys Mass Studies with SCI-Arc Channel

book cover Among Others boys on a train
June 19, 2020

A Reading List from SCI-Arc's Librarian Stefanie Crump

Michaele Pride, a Black female architect, lecturing at a podium in front of a white wall
June 15, 2020

Michaele Pride: Practice What You Preach

May 26, 2020

Making+Meaning 2020 Invites Students from Around the Globe to Discover Design