Priority Admissions Deadline to Jumpstart Scholarships Approaches January 15

As the holiday season approaches, so do college application deadlines. SCI-Arc’s priority deadline is January 15, 2023, at 11:59pm. All applicants that submit by the priority deadline will have their application reviewed for merit-based scholarship consideration.

Scholarships range from partial to full-tuition scholarship. It is advisable for anyone interested in attending SCI-Arc in the fall 2023 term to apply by the priority deadline. Students that apply after the priority deadline will have their application reviewed for admission on a rolling basis.
To learn more about available scholarships at SCI-Arc, please visit the scholarships page.

SCI-Arc attracts unique and diverse applicants from all over the world. The SCI-Arc Office of Admissions seeks students who are passionate about architecture and academically prepared for the discipline and rigor of an architectural education. The SCI-Arc Office of Admissions is available to guide interested students in completing their application and answering questions. If interested in applying, please email or call (213) 356-5320.