Kappe Library Publication List Immortalizes Work of Black SCI-Arc Faculty and Alumni
As a reflection of SCI-Arc’s vision as the school celebrates its 50th anniversary as an unprecedented, radical, and independent institute for architecture, it is more crucial than ever to honor the achievements and voices of those that have graced SCI-Arc’s halls.
To further expand these historical acknowledgements, as another Black History Month draws to a close, the Kappe Library has compiled a special list of noteworthy publications by Black and African American SCI-Arc faculty and alumni whose remarkable, forward-thinking work contributes indelibly to the canon of architecture—past, present, and future.
Past and Present Faculty
Brooks, LeRonn (Guest Faculty)
- “Dr. LeRonn P. Brooks: The Poetics of sanctuary and place: Paul R. Williams (July 28, 2021),” SCI-Arc Media Archive, January 24, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeV95ivedSE
- Valentine, Victoria L., “LeRonn P. Brooks Named Associate Curator at Getty Research Institute,” Culture Type, March 21, 2019 https://www.culturetype.com/2019/03/21/leronn-p-brooks-named-associate-curator-at-getty-research-institute-newly-created-position-is-part-of-african-american-art-history-initiative/

Caldwell, Ben (Guest Faculty)
- “Ben Caldwell,” SCI-Arc Live, November 3, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbnUhPAGc5s
- “BLM Week of Action: 4. Intergenerational, Black Families, and Black Villages,” SCI-Arc Channel, February 4, 2021 (Caldwell begins at 1:46:13) https://channel.sciarc.edu/browse/blm-week-of-action-4-intergenerational-black-families-and-black-villages-february-4-2021
- I build the tower, directed by Edward Landler & Brad Byer, Bench Movies, 2006 (cinematographer credit). Copy held by Kappe Library. For a complete discography, please see IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0129675/

Fall, Natou (M.Arch ’19, Design Studio, Liberal Arts Faculty)
- Guimapang, Katherine, “Natou Fall problematizes superficiality in architecture through the lens of self-expression and self-construction,” Archinect, December 23, 2019 https://archinect.com/features/article/150175493/thesis-review-natou-fall-problematizes-superficiality-in-architecture-through-the-lens-of-self-expression-and-self-construction
- “SCI-Arc Presents: Natou Fall (M.Arch 1),” SCI-Arc Facebook page, November 24, 2018 https://www.facebook.com/sciarc/videos/sci-arc-presents-natou-fall-march-1/1120137771479892/
Fatunde, Madebo (Guest Faculty)
- Fatunde, Madebo, “Seeding a Futures Imaginarium,” Immerse, January 23, 2020 https://immerse.news/seeding-a-futures-imaginarium-5114c6917226
Griffin, Thabisile (Liberal Arts Faculty)
- Griffin, Thabisile, “Forum Response: Creating Community,” Boston Review, March 1, 2016 https://bostonreview.net/forum_response/thabisile-griffin-taylor-kelley-black-struggle-campus-protest/
- Griffin, Thabisile, “The Unmaking of St. Vincent: Colonial Insecurity and Black Indigeneity, 1780-1797,” UCLA, 2021 https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6480s6qh#main
- Woods, Jamila, et al (editors), The BreakBeat Poets Vol. 2: Black Girl Magic, Haymarket Books, 2018, 978-0007521159 (anthology includes Thabisile Griffin’s work)

Hartley, Jeremy (MA Fiction and Entertainment ’19, Design Studio Faculty)
- “Jeremy Kamal Hartley: Mojo,” SCI-Arc Channel, December 9, 2019 https://channel.sciarc.edu/browse/jeremy-kamal-hartley-mojo

Earth Mother, Sky Father, 2019
Henry, Kordae (MA Fiction and Entertainment ’18, Visual Studies Faculty)
- “New Faculty Kordae Henry on Language, Lineage, and the Transmedia Imaginary,” SCI-Arc News, November 20, 2020 https://www.sciarc.edu/news/2020/new-faculty-kordae-henry-on-language-lineage-and-the-transmedia-imaginary
- “Rising Stars: Meet Kordae Henry,” VoyageLA, March 29, 2021 http://voyagela.com/interview/rising-stars-meet-kordae-henry-los-angeles/
Henry, Mira (Design Studio, Visual Studies Faculty)
- Current Interests (with Matthew Au) https://currentinterestsla.com/Us
- Duel + Duet: Ellie Abrons and Mira Henry (September 23, 2016), SCI-Arc Media Archive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4Gw-HcO-4
- “’Rough Coat’ A Conversation,” SCI-Arc Channel, April 30, 2019 https://channel.sciarc.edu/browse/rough-coat-a-conversation
Joseph, Kahlil (Guest Faculty)
- Als, Hilton, “The Black Excellence of Kahlil Joseph,” The New Yorker, October 30, 2017 https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/11/06/the-black-excellence-of-kahlil-joseph
Kipping, Gordon (M.Arch ’95, Design Studio Faculty)
- Broto, Carles, New Shop Design, UNKNO; Har/Psc edition, 2013, 978-8415492610 (Features Issey Miyake Tribeca store designed by Gordon Kipping / G TECTS; sculpture by Frank Gehry.)
- Kipping, Gordon, Ordinary Diagrams, Public Access Press, 1995
- Stephens, Suzanne, “Gordon Kipping delivers a powerful optical punch to Miyake Madison on New York’s Upper East Side,” Architectural Record, March 2007, p.186-188
Shaifa, Irvin (M.Arch ’20, Assistant Teacher)
- “#98 Irvin Shaifa // Architecture,” Archivo de Ideas Recibidas, January 30, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l4tOm7sjHA
- “SCI-Arc Presents: Irvin Shaifa (M.Arch 2),” SCI-Arc Facebook page, December 23, 2019 https://www.facebook.com/sciarc/videos/sci-arc-presents-irvin-shaifa-march-2/771336950010192/
Slaughter, Stephen (Adjunct Faculty, 2008-9)
- “Pratt Institute names Stephen Slaughter new Chair of Undergraduate Architecture,” Pratt Institute, 2022 https://news.pratt.edu/article/architect-stephen-slaughter-named-chair-of-undergraduate-architecture/
- “Stephen Slaughter: From Phat to Watts,” SCI-Arc Channel, March 26, 2010 https://channel.sciarc.edu/browse/stephen-slaughter-from-phat-to-watts-march-26-2010
- Yerebakan, Osman Can, “10 questions with… Stephen Slaughter,” Interior Design, February 15, 2022 https://interiordesign.net/designwire/10-questions-with-stephen-slaughter/
Virgil, William (M.Arch ’16, Making + Meaning Coordinator, Design Studio, Visual Studies Faculty)
- “M+M Coordinator William Virgil on Teaching and the Unpredictability of Objects,” SCI-Arc News, January 7, 2021 https://www.sciarc.edu/news/2021/m-m-coordinator-william-virgil
- “William Virgil: Quarantine Talk with Hernan Diaz Alonso,” SCI-Arc Live, July 1, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytBitcuQwAM
Notable Alumni
Merritt, Byron (M.Arch ’99)
- “Byron Merritt: Experience innovation,” SCI-Arc Channel, February 28, 2018 https://channel.sciarc.edu/browse/byron-merritt-experience-innovation-february-28-2018
Pollonais, Hope (M.Arch ’13)
- “Renaissance Woman Hope Pollonais Excels in Design and Architecture,” Spelman College, January 2017 https://www.spelman.edu/about-us/news-and-events/our-stories/stories/2017/01/18/renaissance-woman-hope-pollonais-excels-in-design-and-architecture

Robson, Ainslee (MA Fiction and Entertainment ’19); Kidus Hailesilassie (MA Fiction and Entertainment ’20)
- “Ainslee Alem Ronson: Ferenj. A Graphic Memoir in VR,” SCI-Arc Channel, December 8, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUqnCITnJjY
- Martin, Rebecca, “Ainslee Robson tells her story through her VR graphic memoir ‘Ferenj,’” Cinema Femme, August 20, 2020 https://cinemafemme.com/2020/08/20/ainslee-robson-tells-her-story-through-her-vr-graphic-memoir-ferenj/
- Robson, Ainslee Alem & Kidus Hailesilassie, “ARE YOU FOR REAL,” concept film trailer, ifa (Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen), December 2020 https://www.ifa.de/en/tour/are-you-for-real/#section1
Sherrod, Kevin (B.Arch ’16)
- “A South LA Art Gallery Encourages Black Creatives to ‘Shoot for the Stars,’” UCLA School of Arts and Architecture, April 14, 2021 https://arts.ucla.edu/single/a-south-la-art-gallery-encourages-black-creatives-to-shoot-for-the-stars/
Woldemikael, Amanuel Tesfaye (M.Arch ’14)
- Woldemikael, Amanuel Tesfaye, The case of a selected public building in Addis Ababa, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012, 9783659243110