STUN One for One Event Benefits Homeless on Skid Row
The Student Union (STUN) held its second annual One for One charity event around the Thanksgiving holiday. On Giving Tuesday, volunteers including members of the student body, staff, and faculty assembled 500 care packages—one for every SCI-Arc student. Each of the packages included a water bottle, sandwich, clementine, banana, granola bar, condoms, feminine pads and tampons, hand wipes, napkins, and deodorant. On December 2 volunteers distributed the packages directly to homeless people on Skid Row, which is near the SCI-Arc campus in the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles.

“The One for One event is one of the Student Union’s favorite events of the year. It is heart warming to see the entire SCI-Arc community—students, staff, faculty, friends, and family—come together in the cause of helping those in need in our neighboring community in Skid Row,” says STUN president Abagael Warnars (M.Arch 1 ’18). “From the planning and procuring of items, to the assembly and the delivery of the care packages, the Student Union had help all along the way and is eternally thankful for those who donated their time for our annual philanthropic event. The residents of Skid Row showed us nothing but loving thankfulness while we hand delivered each package.”