SCI-Arc Alumni Council and Upcoming Alumni Events
The SCI-Arc Alumni Council was established to identify and meet the needs of alumni while serving the larger interests of the school. Its mission is to foster community among alumni, provide them with educational benefits, and promote their professional work.
Since the beginning of this year, the council has been undergoing a restructuring process led by alumnus Bryan Flaig (M.Arch 2 ’04) who is presently Chair of the SCI-Arc Alumni Council . Though the council currently has fewer members compared with previous years, it is committed to establishing a robust communication infrastructure that will benefit both alumni and current students. To that end, the council is developing a private alumni website, which is targeted to launch within the first quarter of 2018. The website will establish a network to stimulate discourse among alumni, as well as between alumni and current students, facilitating mentorship and internship opportunities. Alumni will have the ability to create profiles that can be easily updated, and the website will feature a centralized calendar of events, including lectures and discussions, exhibitions, reunions, volunteer opportunities, and other alumni networking events. The Council is planning a fundraiser to help cover the developmental costs of the new alumni website. After a number of members have populated their online profiles, the council will host an exhibition of alumni work that will be open to the public. In association with the SCI-Arc Student Union, the council will host a student and alumni mixer in mid-November at Angel City Brewery. The council is also coordinating a series of events in April 2018 that coincide with reunion week and final reviews.

Alumni networking events hosted by SCI-Arc’s Office of Development are schedule to take place in Miami in December 2017 and again in New York in June 2018. The Office of Development also draws upon the talents and professional experience of alumni during “Open Season” SCI-Arc’s annual career networking event.
More information and invitations will be issued for these events in the coming weeks and months.
The current SCI-Arc Alumni Council members are:
Barbara Bestor, FAIA (M.Arch 1 '92)
Principal, Bestor Architecture
Bryan Flaig (M.Arch 2 '04)
Partner, Undisclosable
Chair, SCI-Arc Alumni Council (2017–present)
Co-chair, SCI-Arc Alumni Council (2016)
Manori Sumanasinghe (B.Arch '14)
Designer, AUX Architecture
John Winston, AIA (M.Arch 1 '04)
Principal, John Winston Studio
Alumni Representative, SCI-Arc Board of Trustees (2016–present)
Dan Weinreber, IALD, LC (M.Arch 1 '02)
Partner, KGM Architectural Lighting
Co-chair, SCI-Arc Alumni Council (2016)
Alumni Representative, SCI-Arc Board of Trustees (2013–2016)