SCI-Arc Launches SCI-Arc Shanghai, a New International Platform
SCI-Arc is pleased to announce the launch of SCI-Arc Shanghai beginning summer 2016. As part of new Director Hernan Diaz Alonso’s directive for the global expansion of SCI-Arc, SCI-Arc Shanghai is the first in a series of international workshops, preparatory programs, conferences and symposia intended to expand SCI-Arc’s outstanding reputation for architectural education and speculative learning to a broader audience. “SCI-Arc has become a mature, vital, and innovative institution operating on an international stage,” Diaz Alonso stated. “We’re getting the school more and more involved on a global level."
Hsinming Fung, Chief of Strategic Advancement and International/Special Programs, describes the importance of this new platform: “Today, the world is more closely knit than ever, and the field of architecture is an international discussion. I’m excited about SCI-Arc’s global initiative because we are a school that is committed to the future of our field. It makes sense to expand our presence, and it’s wonderful that Shanghai will be our first.”

Steven Ma with students in a digital laboratory
Distinguished graduate Steven Ma (M.Arch '10) principal and founder of China’s first 3D printing firm, Xuberance, will lead the four-week full-time program. SCI-Arc Shanghai will offer a creative and intensive fabrication and design experience for all students interested in pursuing a career in architecture. It is intended to jumpstart a graduate education at SCI-Arc, and may offer entrance scholarships to individuals noted for top performance marks in the program. The courses will offer the latest design process of additive manufacturing and robotics. Studios will combine complex digital sculpting /modeling, industrial design engineering and 3-D printing. Reciprocal programs are also being coordinated in Mexico, South America and Europe, as key sites for pedagogy, scholarship and advanced architectural discourse and exchange