Endowed gifts provide SCI-Arc with a permanent and growing source of support for our students, faculty, and programs.
Endowment funds are carefully invested with the primary goal of generating annual income from interest earned. A portion of the interest from each endowed fund is used to support SCI-Arc programs designated by the donor. The remainder of the interest is reinvested so that the principal of the endowment grows over time, providing SCI-Arc with ever-increasing resources.
Endowed support for student scholarships, faculty chairs, capital operations, and other restricted uses has an enormous impact on SCI-Arc’s ability to recruit and retain exceptional and promising students as well as world-class instructors. We encourage alumni, parents, and friends to consider investing in the school’s endowment by establishing a named fund that will permanently honor the donor, a family member, or a valued member of the faculty while helping to provide a quality education for SCI-Arc students for years to come.
“Supporting scholarships is extremely important. Because of scholarships, we are able to have an extremely dynamic student body. If there were more scholarships available, there could be even more incorporation of the Los Angeles community. Bringing together a variety of people is what makes this school so great. You need a diverse student body to keep it all interesting.”
“Supporting emerging talent in the field of architecture is one of my top priorities—both as a principal at Morphosis and as a Trustee at SCI-Arc. Having an endowed scholarship at SCI-Arc ensures that students will be supported in perpetuity. It’s a smart investment in the field.”
– Thom Mayne, Pritzker Prize Winner, AIA Gold Medal Winner