Symposium: March 24-25
March 24: 6-7:30pm
March 25: 10am – 6pm
In conjunction with Drawings' Conclusions exhibition, curated by Jeffrey Kipnis and produced by SCI-Arc faculty Andrew Zago.
Friday, March 24
W.M. Keck Lecture Hall
Watch the live stream:
6:00 PM - Hernan Diaz Alonso: Welcome remarks
6:10 PM - Andrew Zago: Introduction to symposium and keynote
6:20 PM - Peter Eisenman Keynote: Dual in the Sun
7:30 PM- Reception at the SCI-Arc Gallery
Saturday, March 25
W.M. Keck Lecture Hall
10:00 AM - Jeffrey Kipnis: Introduction to the exhibition
10:20 AM - Jeffrey Kipnis, Andrew Zago: Gallery talk
11:30 AM - First Panel: Not Too Interesting
Stan Allen
Anna Neimark
Florencia Pita
Jonah Rowen
Moderator: Todd Gannon
Watch the live stream:
2:00 PM - Second Panel: Digging the Digital
Caroline Bos
Ramiro Diaz Granados
Jeffrey Kipnis
Greg Lynn
Elena Manferdini
Moderator: Devyn Weiser
Watch the live stream:
3:30 PM - Hernan Diaz Alonso Lecture: All Down the Line
4:30 PM - Third Panel: End of the Line
Kelly Bair
Thomas Kelley
Jason Payne
Bob Somol
Andrew Zago
Moderator: Kristy Balliet
Watch the live stream: