Opening Reception: October 19, 7pm
Mira Henry: Rough Coat
Rough Coat is the story of constructing a monumental blanket. Blankets, as we know, are soft, submissive, and tolerant. They are inviting to use and easy to put away. The monumental suggests something far more weighty, heroic, and labored. Out of this setup comes a certain range of performances. There are parts that behave well, parts that behave badly, and parts that act in a manner we may not quite recognize. The gallery, in this context, becomes a permissive space in which issues of color, tactility, tectonics, the body, labor, and the city are allowed to overlap and cohabitate. The project is not about constructing distance such that all things fall into focus. This stuff wants us close.

Mira Henry is the principal of Henry Architecture (HA) and the co-principal of the collaborative project Current Interests. Henry holds a Bachelor's in Art History from the University of Chicago and a Master's of Architecture from UCLA. She is the recipient of the Henry Adams AIA Award and Archiprix International Gold Medal. Henry lives in Los Angeles and is design faculty at SCI-Arc. Prior to teaching, Henry worked as a lead designer and project manager for Office dA and Monica Ponce de Leon Studio in New York.